Bolin Wu


2019-01-22 · 2 min read

Welcome to my data science blog, nice to meet you!  😄

I’m an apsiring graduate of Statistics at Uppsala University. I am experienced with R programming and now studying to be a capable Python user as well. I specialize in machine learning techniques, statistical modeling and data wrangling.

In June 2021, I finished my master thesis project at Uppsala Monitoring Centre. The project is focusing on deploying machine learning to make prediction model for medicine indication. With the ML model, users can acquire a good medical indication summary given information of the drug. For one specific drug, if we put in average age, weight, number of countries, etc that the drug is reported in, the model predicts what indications should be included in its summary. It delivered exceptional assistance in developing database more valuable for internal clinical staff.

Currently, I am working as a biostatistician at Karolinska Institutet. My main focus is on providing biostatistical and epidemiological support to the research projects in National E-infrastructure for Aging Research (NEAR).

This website is to share the things that I have learnt throughout the years. If you have any question about the posts in this blog, feel free to contact me! 📧

Prudence is a fountain of life to the prudent.